Subject: GS 3
Syllabus: Internal Security
- The use of the internet and social media for subversive purposes by non-state actors is a huge security problem. Discuss. (150 Words, 10 Marks)
- Given the diverse security challenges as well as external and internal linkages, developing a National Security Strategy (NSS) for India requires a comprehensive approach. Explain. (250 words, 15 Marks)
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Q1. The use of the internet and social media for subversive purposes by non-state actors is a huge security problem. Discuss. (10 Marks)
- Social media was introduced to us as a blessing to revolutionise the way we connect with others and a platform to put forth our point of view to a larger audience.
- While the advantages of social media are so many, the threats to internal security by various external state and non-state actors using various social media platforms to spread propaganda have increased .
Main Body
Use of the internet and social media for subversive purposes:
- Radicalisation of youth: Propaganda information to ideologically radicalise , recruit , communicate and train by terror groups like AQIS, LeT on telegram have been intercepted by NIA.
- Use of Internet by Daesh: Daesh has been using the Internet to spread its propaganda using platforms such as twitter, YouTube etc.
- In Recruitment from other countries: India has also suffered from it however less severely. Increasing number of cases of youth being influenced by social media to carry out propaganda of hate and violence has been reported in many areas.
- Rise of sentiments over sensitive issues: By spreading false propaganda and fraudulent ideologies over sensitive and triggering issues of India using morphed videos, or false claims of proof of injustice etc.
- Eg mob lynching due to false propoganda of cow vigilatism.
- Spreading of Disinformation and Misinformation: Any wrong information that gets viral over social media affects the knowledge of the people and erodes people’s trust over the institute or government body.
- Inducement of panic in the public: Due to the viral nature of any rumour spreads like wildfire. If not quashed in time can cause panic among the people which can lead to rampage etc.
- Child kidnapping rumours lead to lynching by a mob in Jharkhand.
- Criminality: The internet has become a communication and coordination tool for illicit activities like drug smuggling, human trafficking, money laundering.
Security threats due to social media and internet:
- Instigating Riots: The sharing of hate speech or rumours on social media platforms have potential to cause a full fledged Riot in the country. For eg. In 2013, a morphed video on YouTube was used to fan communal riots in Muzaffarnagar in Uttar Pradesh
- Cyber attacks: increased penetration of the internet in everyday lives have increased vulnerability to cyber attacks causing breach of privacy , financial frauds , stealing of confidential information.
- Attack on critical infrastructure: instances of attack on critical infrastructure have been seen in recent times like the attack on kudankulam nuclear plant , power grid failure in mumbai etc.
- Protest Movements and Revolution: Some countries in the world feel threatened by the fact that social media can bring the people together and thus, create a revolution. This in turn can cause political instability e.g. Yellow movement, Jasmine revolution, Umbrella movement among others.
- Terrorism: Social media helps terrorist organisations to spread their ideology and they use social media as a tool to brainwash the youth of a country which ultimately ends up as an anti-social element. Terrorists also use social media to disturb the social harmony of the country.
- Separatist movement: Militant organisations use social media to spread fake rumours radicalising the youth through fake videos , social media groups thus fuelling the separatist movements.
- Eg recently government has banned Punjab politics TV which was using internet and social media to ignite khalistan movement and disturb public order.
Way forward
- Intelligence: it is State intelligence, and police which must be employed to counter such threats which continuously scan cyberspace for such threats .
- Police- public coordination: The police force must remain constantly in the state of self-training, emphasise connecting with people, to tackle the "fourth generation" warfare with an invisible enemy.
- Comprehensive action: Internal security problems should not be treated as merely law and order problems. They have to be dealt with comprehensively in all their dimensions and at all levels — political, economic and social.
- Cyber security policy: Need to have a comprehensive cyber security policy to protect against cyber-attacks which may steal confidential information or may endanger critical infrastructure of the country
- National social media policy: A comprehensive National social media policy to acknowledge social media challenges .
- Aware Citizenry: awareness particularly of the young and vulnerable must be the utmost priority to make them more sensitised and cautious in consuming content on cyberspace.
- Strengthening the existing infrastructure: e-Surveillance Projects: National Intelligence Grid (NATGRID), CERT-In, Central Monitoring System (CMS), Internet Spy System Network and Traffic Analysis System (NETRA) of India, National Critical Information Infrastructure Protection Centre (NCIPC) of India etc.
- Code of practice on misinformation: with elements like disrupt ad revenue of websites that spread such info, address the fake accounts, more visibility to authoritative content.
- With penetration of the internet and social media , these challenges are bound to rise so we need to continuously analyse , prevent and effectively respond to such threats . Modern technologies like AI and machine learning can be deployed for this purpose.
Q18. Given the diverse security challenges as well as external and internal linkages, developing a National Security Strategy (NSS) for India requires a comprehensive approach. Explain. (15 marks)
- Various committees like Kargil Review Committee (2000), Naresh Chandra Task Force on Security (2012), and National Security Advisory Board (2015) have asked for developing a comprehensive National Security Strategy for India.
Main Body:
India faces diverse security challenges to its national security:
- Externally
- conflict with Pakistan is driven by competing geopolitical interests and bitter historical legacies.
- Faces Chinese aggression on the borders.
- Internally
- India faces a number of secessionist and insurrectionist movements, the most prominent of which are the Maoist Naxalites.
- Diversity across religion, caste, class etc. often takes violent undertones and leads to internal security challenges.
- The challenges in the maritime domain, transnational and organised crimes etc. further exacerbate the challenges.
Need of a comprehensive approach for National Security Strategy (NSS):
- No clear-cut distinction between domestic and external threats: threats like terrorism, are linked to both domestic and external actors.
- Require coordination and action on the part of various actors.
- Understanding the cause of instability: Threats to domestic peace and stability may arise from economic and social grievances.
- A unidimensional approach of the state will leave these grievances unaddressed and also exacerbate the situation.
- Cross-domain linkages: Threat to national security may be rooted across different domains.
- Eg. Vulnerability of our borders --> linked to a large-scale smuggling and contraband trade --> permits easy access to terrorists and criminals.
- Technology complexity: New technologies such as the Internet and digitization have created new and serious vulnerabilities and security risks.
- Conflict with rights of the citizens: use of advanced digital technologies for surveillance and intelligence gathering against the right to privacy guaranteed by the Constitution.
- Changing geo-political environment: Changes in geo-political scenario influences the nuclear security environment and thus affects India’s security.
- Climate change: Ecological degradation and climate change have a significant impact on national security.
- Melting of glaciers may have direct consequences on the deployment of troops at India’s high-altitude border locations.
- Sea-level rise due to global warming may inundate naval bases along the coasts.
Way Forward (Steps needed):
- Drawing up an NSS may be tasked to a group of eminent persons from different disciplines who could consider India’s national security in its multiple dimensions.
- In a democracy, an NSS should be citizen-centric and must reflect the values and beliefs of the people, it must seek to raise public awareness of and shape public perceptions about national security issues.
- A well-informed, vigilant and educated public opinion is the best assurance of national security.
- NSS for India needs to take a comprehensive approach highlighting the inter-linkages and feedback loops and formulating a coherent template for multi-disciplinary and multisectoral interventions.

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