UPSC Mains Daily Answer Writing - 21 November (GS 4)


1. Vinod is an honest and sincere IAS officer. Recently, he has taken over as Managing Director of the State Road Transport Corporation, his sixth transfer in the past three years. His peers acknowledge his vast knowledge, affability and uprightness.The Chairman of the State Road Transport Corporation is a powerful politician and is very close to the Chief Minister. Vinod comes to know about many alleged irregularities of the Corporation and the high-handedness of the Chairman in financial matters.A Board Member of the Corporation belonging to the Opposition Party meets Vinod and hands over a few documents along with a video recording in which the Chairman appears to be demanding bribes for placing a huge order for the supply of QMR tyres. Vinod recollects the Chairman expediting clearing of pending bills of QMR tyres.Vinod confronts the Board Member as to why he is shying away from exposing the Chairman with the so-called solid proof he has with him. The member informs him that the Chairman refuses to yield to his threats. He adds that Vinod may earn recognition and public support if he himself exposes the Chairman. Further, he tells Vinod that once his party comes to power, Vinod’s professional growth would be assured.Vinod is aware that he may be penalized if he exposes the Chairman and may further be transferred to a distant place. He knows that the Opposition Party stands a better chance of coming to power in the forthcoming elections.However, he also realizes that the Board Member is trying to use him for his own political gains.

(a) As a conscientious civil servant, evaluate the options available to Vinod.

(b) In the light of the above case, comment upon the ethical issues that may arise due to the politicization of bureaucracy. (20)

Model Solutions

Model Structure

  • Vinod is a dedicated and upright IAS officer who notices alleged irregularities and corrupt practices involving the influential Chairman. He confronts a complex decision that puts his commitment to ethics and accountability against the potential consequences of exposing political corruption and personal repercussions.

Main Body

(a) The options available to Vinod include-

  • Expose the Chairman: Vinod can choose to expose the Chairman's alleged bribe demand and irregularities by using the documents and video recording provided by the Board Member. This action aligns with his ethical duty to uphold the law and ensure transparency and accountability in his role as Managing Director.
  • Conduct an Internal Investigation: Before taking any drastic steps, Vinod can initiate an internal investigation within the State Road Transport Corporation to gather more evidence and confirm the allegations. This would demonstrate due process and fairness in handling the issue.
  • Seek Legal Counsel: Vinod can consult with legal experts to understand the legal implications and protections available to him as a whistleblower. Legal advice can help him make an informed decision about exposing the Chairman.
  • Report to Higher Authorities: Vinod can report the matter to higher authorities in the state government or relevant anti-corruption agencies, ensuring that the issue is handled by an independent body rather than taking personal responsibility for the exposure.
  • Engage in Dialogue: Vinod can attempt to engage in a dialogue with the Chairman to address the allegations and irregularities internally, seeking resolution through cooperation rather than confrontation.

(b) The various ethical issues due to politicization of bureaucracy include-

  • Misuse of Power: The Chairman's alleged high-handedness and demand for a bribe highlight the misuse of political power within the bureaucracy, undermining the principles of accountability and integrity.
  • Pressure on Civil Servants: The Chairman's political influence and threats may create undue pressure on honest civil servants like Vinod to compromise their ethical principles to protect their careers.
  • Whistleblower Protection: Vinod faces the ethical dilemma of choosing between exposing corruption and facing potential penalization, highlighting the lack of adequate whistleblower protection mechanisms in the bureaucracy.
  • Partisan Interference: The involvement of the Opposition Party and the Board Member's attempt to manipulate Vinod for political gain underscores the unethical practice of partisan interference in bureaucratic affairs.
  • Impact on Public Trust: The politicization of bureaucracy can erode public trust in government institutions, as citizens may perceive such actions as a betrayal of their interests and welfare.
  • Professional Growth vs. Ethical Duty: Vinod must grapple with the ethical issue of whether to prioritize his professional growth or his duty to maintain the integrity of his office and uphold the law.


  • In this complex scenario, Vinod must carefully consider his options and prioritize his ethical duty to act in the best interests of the public and the organization. It is essential for him to weigh the potential consequences of his actions while upholding the principles of transparency, accountability, and integrity in public service

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